Friday, November 27, 2009

Game Engine Architechture

There are many different game engine architectures that are used throughout the gaming industry. I will now attempt to assign names them: code interface based, config based, and scripting based. These three are the main types of architectures used.

Code interface based engines still require you to use code to access engine functions. These engines basically take everything that you need to make a game, and put it there and wrap it, so that you can easily use it. This type of architecture is more commonly found in open source engines, with predominant examples being irrlicht and OGRE (although technically not a complete game engine). The advantage of this type is that you have full and complete control, without any limitations. A disadvantage, however, is that it still takes a large amount of time to make a game.

The next type is config based, which doesn't require you to do any programming at all whatsoever. This is more oftenly found in the commercial world, with engines such as Torque. An open source example would be Reality Factory. These engines are generally genre specific, because the lack of code limits flexibility. Many of these engines, however, have a small element o scripting, for in game events and sequences. The advantage of this architecture is the ease at which you can create a game. The blaring disadvantage is the lack of flexibility or customizability.

The third and final type is a scripting based engine. There are actually two types of these. One type is very similar to the code based interface, except the engine is written in code, but the game is actually run through scripts. Examples of this are Love 2D, or Wrecked games engine. The next sub category, which is probably the best type, is many component engines, with the wrapping game engine written in scripts. This type is the most easily customizable, and usable engine architecture. A proffesional example is the Unreal Engine, which is written in UnrealScript. This means that large portions o the engine, as well as gameplay, can be customized without the need to touch a single line if code. This allows for the most flexibility and ease of use. The only disadvantage is that the creation of the game engine takes a lot of planning, as well as a lot of time to create. This architecture is still, by far, the best possible one to utilize when making a game engine.

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