Thursday, January 27, 2011

Gaming Technology

In the past, the video game industry has lagged a bit behind mainstream technology. Video games would utilize existing mainstream technology and ideas in new creative ways to develop a playable experience.

Over the course of the past decade, this has completely flip-flopped. What was the first mainstream device to fully utilize accelerometers?  Not the iPhone (2007), but the Nintendo Wii (2006). How crazy is that? It's because of the video game industry that this technology became mainstream in the first place! Now it's in basically every single modern cellphone. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. New graphics card technologies such as CUDA evolved to catch up with ever increasing graphics standards in video games. You know what else CUDA is used for? Predicting protein conformation, medical analysis simulations, fluid dynamics, and accelerated encryption and decryption. Oh yeah, it's also helping the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI). It's also what makes Just Cause 2 so freaking awesome. If you've caught onto my point, you know exactly where I'm headed with this.

That's right - the Microsoft Kinect. If you've been following the stories, then you've seen some of the freaking awesome things that people have done with the Microsoft Kinect. You can dance in front of it, or you can record hologram messages. You can pet a virtual animal, or create freaking 3D replicas of a real world environment. Or drive a robot. Maybe in the future, the Kinect will be driving our cars!

Really gives some insight of the role of the entertainment industry.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

This Was A Triumph

And you make a neat gun, for the people who are still alive. So yeah, I'm still alive, and working on a whole bunch of new projects!

So me and a group of friends have video game related discussions everyday in Honors Physics class. Literally like everyday. So we had the genius idea of recording our discussions and turning them into a podcast. So we did a pilot episode, and it turned out really awesome, thus spawning a whole series. You can check us out on iTunes here. If you're short on time, I'd recommend episode 8. It's probably our best so far.

Reality sucks. So should blogs. Me and one of my most sarcastic friends decided to take it upon ourselves to make fun of stuff. Like what, you ask? Everything. Politics, sports, life - and even ourselves. Yeah, we make fun of ourselves. Check it out!

So me and my friends decided to make a short video. It's pretty cool with some effects and music thrown in, as well as a bit of randomness.

So I added a bit of tools to my Basic Math Engine site. It's sort of like a framework that I've created (running on Google App Engine) that I can use to play around with stuff and create my own tools, such as calculators. Among the tools added are a Euler's Method Calculator, a Directional Field Grapher, and a Density Map Grapher.

So I made a entry for Ludum Dare 19 (a 48 hour game making competition). Unfortunately, it was a bit to simple to compete with the many other awesome games that were made. You can check it out here.